How fucking badass is that, man?
Okay, now the negativity.
These people at certain churches (also called Neo-Nazi camps in some areas) seem to have quite a different take on God's intentions and thoughts on the world. Enjoy these pictures.

Cool, right? Especially how lots of the people holding those signs are little kids! :DDDD
This fun trend started in Westboro Baptist Church, in I don't fucking know what state. But these people are seriously fucked up. They protest this kind of crap at soldier's funerals. Soldiers that died in battle, who got blown up by a tank or shot by someone, while they sat back here and hated everything and everyone that wasn't them. Firefox is trying to tell me that wasn't is spelled wrong. This is part of the reason that I am not religious at all. Of course, that's not to say that I think everyone who is religious is like this, but GRRR. Dumb fucks like this give NORMAL Christians a bad name, yo. To sum things up, this really pissed me off and it shocks me that people can protest anyone that doesn't believe in "Givin' every fuckin' faggot the ole electric chair, in the name o' de Lord, of course."
That's absolutely ridiculous.
That sea pig thing is crazy.
And some people are stupid.
Actually, a lot of people are stupid.
All we can do is try to counter-act the stupidity.
Wow. I don't even know what to say.
Who makes kids hold signs that say "God Hates..."
That's horrid.
i hate how twisted the church and religiousness has made out things to be, the church today is so corrupted. Especially that , oh my Gosh.
Those things are so not of God or of Love at allll
i agree, incredibly horrid.
that sea pig is wacko bro
p.s. i haven't seen you in forever man !
1) I love the sea pig
2) I've heared of these churches before. I think they're sick, and they pretty much make me sick to my stomach. It makes me angry, because what they protest goes completely against God's word. God loves everyone, even gay people, and I don't even understand this whole "god hates america" crap because that is the dumbest thing I have ever heared. When people deface my religion like that, it really freaking sets me off. I could go on and on, but I'm going to stop myself now, because you probably don't want to hear about it :)
3) I LOVE YOU :)
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