Saturday, June 27, 2009

I never fail at failing all your tests.

Summer, man.

This summer is going great so far! Except for Kelsey cheating on me again, that was hella bogus. But whatever, enough about that. I want to get a job man, I need some gwap! Sheri told me Chik-Fil-A hires at 15, so I'm gonna go find out if they're hiring. Totally. Btw, Transformers 2 is a kick-ass movie. That's an intense summer action blockbuster fa 'shawwww, son!

Also, is anyone else going to warped? Tell me, I need someone to hang out with. Last year had so many better bands, though.
Whatever, it'll be cool.
OH! And if anyone else has Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. on Wii and plays with Nintendo WFC, gimme your friend code so I can kick your ass.

-Optimus Prime.



Kaylee. said...

Publix hires at 15 too, but you only get to do the really exciting things like stocking shelves. "T

and I'm sorry "[ said...

DUDE you got Mario Kart?!
O! the injustice!
LOL the CAPTCHA thing says HEYMANG

Remind me to give you my Brawl code sometime. *thumbsup*