Thursday, January 22, 2009

Glass shatters and comes to a halt.

School is not a great place. I got decent grades, even with how little I studied. This dissapoints me because I know that if I really put in effort and tried, I could have amazing grades. I could be at the top of my class, or at least right below Keeler, Grace, and Mona. Instead, I look at my 4 B's and 3 A's and think, "well, that's okay."

On another note, I couldn't be happier with Kelsey. I never thought in a billion gamillion years that I would have someone like her, and I can honestly say that I love her.

Oh, and apparently I've "abandoned" my old friends from last year, but I really don't think it's all my fault. As far as I can see it, they're not trying very hard to keep in touch either. To be honest, it doesn't bother me as much as it probably should. I'm happy with the people I hang out with, and I care about them and vice versa. So long.

Oh, you love to punish me.
I get the feeling
You're having fun with me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I don't know who I am.

I want to scream "I love you" from the top of my lungs, but I'm afraid someone else will hear me.

I don't know who this is about, or why I wrote it. You can decide.

They say "wake up, you're alive"
Why won't you even try?
It was nothing, nothing but a lie.
I see nothing in your eyes
that doesn't scare me.
I see us as friends, so don't pretend no one cares.
You want to go home.
You're not alone.